V1.03.07 – 7th November 2023: New Features and Rule Changes • Editor – On the OB tab of the old editor, the centre column now contains a “Counter Idx” entry for each OB as well as a visual showing the counter symbol being used. This allows editors to change the counter symbol used by units using each OB. The default value of 0 uses the original system of symbols, which relied on the unit type info and some hard coded adjustments by OB slot number. By entering a 3-digit value, different symbols can be assigned to each OB. The first digit represents the row, and the next two digits represent the column for the location of the symbol in the counter art files (found in the dat/art/units folder). Rows and columns start counting from 0, so the Panzer symbol is symbol 100 (row 1, column 00, the ski symbol is 212, row 2, column 12). The counter symbol shown changes to reflect any new value you’ve entered. Modders can add additional symbols in the blank spaces on the right of columns 1 and 2, although there are several different sized files, as well as a non-NATO counter set, and all would need to be modded. Note: Air HQs and City Forts use pre-assigned symbols that override the OB Counter Idx. o Made visible the Linked With value for each OB. This allows linking of one set of OBs to the OB chain used by another set of OBs. • Clarification – Ground units can suffer casualties from the interdiction value of the hex they are located in at the end of the air execution phase. These losses do not show up in a battle report, but are shown in the losses screen as happening during the air execution phase. • Updated the Living Manual.pdf file in the \Manuals folder. This is up to date with changes through game version 1.03.03. • Adjusted aircraft with cannons with anti-armor >39 to greatly increase their likelihood of targeting AFVs. • Added Effective Ceiling to the CR/Device/Weapon screen. • Added Reliability and Durability to the CR/Equipment/Aircraft screen. Bug Fixes and AI Improvements • Aircraft weapons were using penetration value when attacking AFVs when they should have been using anti-armor value. Fixed. • Flak units located in cities are incorrectly adding their flak value to the hex (in the map display) containing the HQ they are assigned to (display bug only, they were not firing as if they were in the HQ hex). Fixed. • CR/Equipment/Weapons display has two columns labeled as Range. Fixed. • When loading a save game file, air units with TPI replacements would only count pilots that are at or above the national morale when considering putting planes in reserve. This causes planes to incorrectly be placed into reserve during the load. Fixed. • Fixed several bugs in the airborne drop interface, especially involving situations where there were more than one airborne unit in the same hex. • Added additional checks to improve the chance that Steam MP players, with connectivity issues, will be able to make repeated attempts to save the game. • Fixed a case where bombers could be used for air transport without paying an AP cost. • Disabled F9 hotkey during the air planning phase (air transport is not allowed during the air planning phase). • Certain types of motorized units are becoming non-motorized when they change their OB, even when changing to a motorized OB. Fixed. Note, a side effect of this change is that when a non-motorized unit, that is temporarily motorized, upgrades to a non-motorized OB, it will lose its temp motorization status. • Editor – Fixed a crash bug in the new editor when clicking on an air unit in the Air Group tab that has a rename. Now, just like ground units, air unit renames now must be set in the new editor. • Editor - Fixed a crash bug in the new editor when clicking on the unit section after entering a name to search in the air group section. • AI – Increased Axis AI utilization of support units by improving its ability to get German support units out of the national reserve. • Fixed a bug in the hit chances for Air to Ground attacks on armored targets. Made additional adjustments to greatly increase the chance of side armor hits, greatly decrease front armor hits, and somewhat decreasing top armor hits (the ratio now is 33% top, 50% side, 17% front). Also downgraded the hit chances of larger bombs (they retain a higher chance to hit and hurt an AFV, but they will do relatively less than before compared to other weapons). • Removed code that halved the transport cost of units when being airlifted or paradropped. • Air units can be incorrectly brought onto the map to airfields not yet size 1. Fixed. • Column header on Maneuver column in CR/Equipment/Aircraft screen lists Reliability. Fixed. Data and Scenario Changes • Major changes to the OB.dat file: o Reorganization of data list by nation, unit type and size for easier and more logical viewing o Comprehensive review and update of all Axis units (Italians are divided into Metropolitan, African and Russian variants of organization) o Hundreds of new OBs to fill in gaps o German Divisions now have numerous archetypes to reflect the varied nature of their organization and equipment (there used to be one standard infantry and panzer division - now there are numerous variants to use a wider variety of equipment) o Better transition of Axis units that become equipped with Panzerfausts in late 1943 (all units should now have unit upgrades when the squads get updated to panzerfausts in Oct 43) o Revised inclusion of German imported equipment into Axis minor OBs (Panzerschreks in Finnish units, German anti-tank guns and panzers in Italian, Rumanian, Finnish and Hungarian units) o Different OBs with appropriate naming of motorized and non-motorized variants of units (Standard Pioneer unit versus a Motorized Pioneer unit) o Reviewed/corrected the unit symbols used by OBs using the new editor feature and updated some units' symbols as being marine and light infantry. o Reviewed Multi-Role designations to be more consistent. o Forced all Company and Battery sized units to use the company symbol o Fixed Ob chains for several OBs, including Soviet Corps Artillery and Axis Fortified Zones, and reset correct build cost and max limits for both Soviet and Axis Fortified Zones/Regions o Fixed upgrade paths of 43 FF Cavalry Squadron o Cleared erroneous upgrade paths of the 41 Ital. Mot AA Gun Battalion and Soviet HQ Military District o Fixed spelling of "Kampfgruppe" in OB 0091 o Fixed overlap of start and end dates on HQ Panzer Group and HQ Panzer Army o Delayed upgrade of 42 A.S. Ital Armored Division to 43 Ital. Division to May 43 o Changed upgrade of 43 Afrika Panzer Division to 43b Tier 2 Panzer Division o Added the "Mot." designation to 41a AA Gun Regiment, 41a Ital. Heavy AA Battalion, 41b Ital. Heavy AA Battalion and 41b Rum. Artillery Battalion o Corrected spelling of Division in OB 0989 o Changed OBs 270,302,1190-1194,1196-1197 to Multi-role (RFSS, 900th Lehr, GD Motorized Brigades) • All scenarios - All scenario files were reviewed and their OBs updated to the new OB list and many units were rebuilt to incorporate these changes. Changes were also made to adapt to the map changes. Scenarios with Italy had at least a partial review of Italian air units. Many other changes were made in specific scenarios, many noted below. • All campaigns - Reduced the level of air combat that takes place in the Finland TB before the Axis Finnish Offensive and between the end of the Axis Finnish Offensive and the start of the Soviet Northern Front offensive. Increased the level of air combat in the Northern Front TB during the Soviet Northern Front offensive. Made several other minor event corrections. Surrender events for FIN/RUM/ITA/BUL/SLO will now zero out these nation's manpower pool. • 1941 Campaign (both versions): o NW Africa (except Tunisia) removed from NA TB, Iran removed from TC TB, both set to Neutral control o 2nd RFSS mot. Brigade delayed to T4, arrives near Warsaw o I/57th Werfer Bn: to AR mid-September 43 o II/57th Werfer Bn: to AR early November 43 o III/57th Werfer Bn changed into heavy variant, to AR in early August 44 o LW Mot. Light Flak Bns rebuilt as SP version: 75,84,86,91-93,98 o 83rd LW Mot. Light Flak Bns reforms into SP version in 8/44 o 89th LW Mot. Light Flak Bn rebuilt to full strength (formed from existing units) o 99th LW Mot. Light Flak Bn removed (duplicate of SP version) o 236th LW mixed Flak Bn: reinforcing duplicate removed, add 10/44 Balkans transfer to existing unit o 202nd Stug Bn (BA, reinforcing) - rebuilt as (Beute) Panzer Bn with French tanks, available 9/41, disbands at the end of 1943 recreated one turn later fully equipped with Italian tanks (none produced or captured so the only way to do that) o 211 Panzer bn rebuild to OB 136 at full strength, lock in TB, add transfer to NO in 10/44 o 223 'Krim' Panzer Bn: -Krim, arrives as Beute Flammpanzer Bn to AR at full strength, disbands end of 1943 o 90 Stug Battery changed from mixed StuG/StuH to pure StuG o 3./177 and 3./244 Heavy Stug Battery disband at the end of May 1943 (special units for Stalingrad, lost there) o Arezzo/Brennero Alpini Divisions rebuilt as standard mountain div (Line Infantry mountain type) o increase Italy's pool of 75mm M11/M15 from 50 to 100 o Italian mountain-type divisions changed from 75mm M11 to M15 o Italian non-Russian-front Alpina Divs changed from modern M34 back to old M15 mountain gun o Ravenna/Sforzesca/Cosseria Divs are reformed to Russian Front Semi-Mot Infantry Div OB prior to map release o Add TB-lock and no rebuild to Italian Coastal Divisions o Appoint Nasci as leader of Alpini Corps o New land units: 701-706 SP Infantry Gun companies with 6x sIG33 PzI each, attached to their historical parent units, all disband over time, no rebuild 707/708 SP Infantry gun companies to NA in spring 42, 6x sIG33 II each, TB locked/no rebuild, 708 disbands end of 42, 707 end of 1/43 zBV 12th Panzer Bn in Balkans, TB locked, French tanks, disbands 6/44, recreated with Italian tanks o added three more SB-2, eight Pe-2 and 5 MBR-2 to FIN pool o add 20 Ro.43 and 50 each Ro.37, SM.81 and Ca.148 to Italian pool o Four Hurricane I and 9 PZL 23 added to Rumanian pool, Bloch 210 pool reduced to 3 o II./NJG 2 arrives with 25 aircraft on hand o SKG 210 AOG - GE Light Bomber added as permitted Air Profile o ZG 2 AOG - GE Light Bomber added as permitted Air Profile o III./ZG1 changed from Bf 109E-7 FB to E-7/U1 TacB, add force-upgrade to Me 210 in time for NA transfer o Savoiastaffel arrives with 24 SM.82 o AufklarGr 125/126 (See) changed to He 114 o some pilots added to axis onmap KG/ZG/StG air groups to match allocated aircraft o Several Luftwaffe Transport Group renames unified to turn 98 o 1st Rum. Night Ftr Sqn renamed 68th o 2nd Rum. LR Recon Sqn arrival moved forward to 7/41, equipped with missing 7 Blenheims o 4th Rumanian LR Recon Sqn disbands at the end of 1941 o 8th Rum. Fighter Grp renames to 8th Rum Assault Grp in 6/1943, the reinforcing Assault Group is removed o 73rd Rum. Bomb Sqn added with 12x PZL 23 o 80th Rum. Bomb Sqn added with 12x He 111H-3, arrives in 7/41 and disbands at the end of 1941 o 82nd Rum. Bomb Sqn added with 12x Bloch 210, arrives in 7/41 o 123 IAP moved to Kobrin o New air units: 245/246 Ital. Transport Squadrons with SM.81 361/371 Ital. Ftr Squadrons for use in Russia, both disband when the parent fighter group is withdrawn to ITA 119 Ital. Recon Sqn with Ca.311 for use in Russia, disbands when parent unit is withdrawn o Fixed event 145, Soviet Reorg Continues, which was never activating o 1st Mountain Rifle Bde - delay SR transfer to T4 o 250th AA Bn (SOV) disabled as duplicate o Changed the 1 July 1943 Axis Suden Victory check so it will happen on the last turn of June 1943 o Bornholm Island moved from Map to Norway TB o double the amount of French B-2 tanks in German pool o event 0011 - add command to force-move select German ground units to Norway o Finnish Artillery/Anti-Tank Gun review, spreading out gun use to available gun models o Zangen Detach Army rename type downgraded from Army Group to Army o Army Group Afrika removed, will be renamed from Panzer Group/Army Afrika o Panzer Army Afrika rebuild as Panzer Group, replace odd rename to 1st Ital. Army with rename to Army Group Afrika (Ad-Hoc OB) o IV LW Field Corps rename changed to non-LW LXXXX Corps o 7 Panzer Div merged 4 slots (96) Panhard armored cars into 2 slots (64), add two slots of 221/223 armored cars o 10 Panzer Div changes to an Afrika type OB prior to its Afrika transfer o 20 Panzer Div merged 4 slots (96) Panhard armored cars into 2 slots (52), add two slots of 221/223 armored cars o 155 Infantry Div arrival moved forward to early November 1944, remove HHQ o 204 Panzer Rgt rebuilt to full strength o 4 Tank Div fixed missing Tank Bde OB in first rename o 8 Tank Div repaired strange fortress rename o 239 Mech Div repaired strange fortress rename o Ariete Armored Div disbands at the end of 1942 (destroyed El Alamein) o Bologna Mot Div rebuilt as Semi-Mot Infantry Div, made Elite o Brescia Mot Div rebuilt as Semi-Mot Infantry Div, made Elite o 131 Centauro Arm Div added TB-lock + no rebuild, disbands mid 6/43 (if it survives NA) o Fascisti Mot. Div downgraded to Regiment, will become reduced-size Division in mid 5/42 o Littorio Armored Div disbands at the end of 1942 (destroyed El Alamein) o Pasubio Div fixed arrival hex o Pavia Mot Div rebuilt as Semi-Mot Infantry Div, made Elite o Sabratha Mot Div rebuilt as Semi-Mot Infantry Div, made Elite, disbands 8/42 (lost in combat) o Savona Mot Div rebuilt as Semi-Mot Infantry Div, made Elite, disbands mid 1/42 (lost in combat) o Superga Mountain Div rebuilds as elite Semi-Mot Infantry Div in mid 3/42 o Trento Mot. Div disbands at the end of 1942 (destroyed El Alamein) o Panzer Brigade 101-113 added historical disbands o Corps Machine Gun Bns renamed, OB updated (to avoid double Corps in name) o 12 zbv Panzer Bn available from start in WE, transfers to BA in mid 9/41 o 102 Flammpanzer Bn removed disband, added rename to 213 Flammpanzer o 193 Gren Inf Bde renamed, OB upgraded (to avoid double Grenadier in name) o 202 Panzer Bn available from start in WE as I./202, moves to BA in 9/41, renames 202 in 1/43 o 203 Panzer Rgt split into two Bns, add force-upgrade to German tanks o 211 Panzer Bn TB transfer removed, made rebuid-restricted o 213 Flammpanzer Bn disabled, will be renamed from 102 Flammpanzer Bn o 272 Army mot Flak Bn disband delayed to late 9/43 o 273 Army mot Flak Bn disband delayed to late 8/42 o 275 Army mot Flak Bn added disband in late 5/44 o 279 Army mot Flak Bn disband delayed to late 4/43 o 503 Gren Inf Bde renamed, available earlier in 1/43, starts in Norway, transfers to Finland in 6/44, TB-Lock o 523 Costal How Bn rename changed to 150mm sFH Bn o 529 Costal How Bn rename changed to 105mm K18 Bn o 532 Costal How Bn renamed 533 o 609 Army Light Flak Bn reforms to 305 Army mot Flak Bn in 10/42 o 613 Army Light Flak Bn remove disband, reforms to 291 Army mot Flak Bn instead o 113x Gren Inf Bdes renamed, OB upgraded (to avoid double Grenadier in name) o 5 Fort Fin. Art Bn reduced to 100% TOE o III,XXIII Ital How Bn changed to Medium Field gun Bns with 105/28 gun o LI-LIII Ital How Bn changed to Medium Field gun Bns with 105/32 gun o LX-LXII Ital How Bn changed to Medium Field gun Bns with 105/32 gun o 65th CCNN Legion renamed 63rd o Rum. Art/How Bns corrections to gun types/OBs o New units: 1st Italian Army arrives to North Afrika in late 2/43 136 Centauro Ital. Arm Div arrives 7/43 to Italy 135 Ariete Ital. Arm Div arrives 4/43 to Italy 183 Ciclone Ital. Para Div arrives 7/43 to Italy 288 Army mot Flak Bn arrives 2/42 and disbands mid 6/43 289 Army mot Flak Bn arrives mid 4/43 294 Army mot Flak Bn arrives mid 12/43 to WE 300 Army mot Flak Bn arrives 5/43 301 Army mot Flak Bn arrives 5/43 to WE 302 Army mot Flak Bn arrives 7/43 to ITA 304 Army mot Flak Bn arrives 1/43 to ITA, disbands 10/43, equipped with SP 88mm Flak 306 Army mot Flak Bn arrives 8/43 307 Army mot Flak Bn arrives 10/43 to ITA 308-310 Army mot Flak Bn arrive 12/43 to BA 316 Army mot Flak Bn arrives 1/44 to WE 317-318 Army mot Flak Bn arrive 8/44 to WE 2 Fin Super Hvy Art Bn with 203mm guns 5-8 Fin Hvy Flak Bn available from start 1-5 Slov Construction Bn arrive 11/43 to ITA 6-10 Slov Construction Bn arrive 6/44 to AR o Adjusted Axis turn 1 air ADs, removing day 7 recon missions and setting loadouts for German Me109 fighters to use drop tanks o 102nd Trento mot. Division made TB-locked o 132nd Ariete Armored division set to disband instead of unintended transfer to WE TB o 133rd Littorio Armored Division made TB-locked •Stalingrad to Berlin(s) (both versions): o StuIG33 pool deleted o sIG33 II removed from 10th Panzer Division and from LAH Panzergrenadier Division o sIG33 II moved from 15/21 Panzer Divs to separate companies o 8 SS Cavalry division - StuIG 33B replaced by StuG IIIf o 202nd Stug Bn (BA, reinforcing) - rebuilt as (Beute) Panzer Bn with French tanks, available from start, disbands at the end of 1943 recreated one turn later fully equipped with Italian tanks (none produced or captured so the only way to do that) o 90 Stug Battery changed from mixed StuG/StuH to pure StuG, made rebuild restricted, add disband in 7/43 (Afrika unit) o 3./177 and 3./244 Heavy Stug Battery disband in July 1943 (special units for Stalingrad, lost there) o 701,703,704 Stug Battery reformed as SP Infantry Gun Company with five sIG33 PzI each o 211 Panzer bn rebuild to OB 136 at full strength, lock in TB, add transfer to NO in 10/44 o New land units: 707/708 SP Infantry gun companies in NA, 4x sIG33 II each, locked/no rebuild, 708 disbands end of 42, 707 end of 1/43 223 'Krim' Panzer Bn - reactivate,-Krim, at XXXXII Korps, change to French Flammpanzer, disbands end of 1943 zBV 12th Panzer Bn in Balkans, TB locked, French tanks, disbands 6/44, recreated with Italian tanks o 30 SM.81 added to Italian pool o New air units: 162 Ital. Atk Grp added with CR.42AS 245/246 Ital. Transport Squadrons added, equipped with SM.81 361 Ital. Ftr Sqn added, equipped with C.200CB, disbands instead of withdrawing to ITA o Increased starting Soviet men disabled o XII SS Corps Commander from Guenther Blumentritt to SS Officer Curt von Gottberg. o LeLv 26 had two squadrons changed to the Bf-109G-2 (FI) o Added 150 Bf-109G-6/N and 100 Fw-190A-5/U2 to the Pool. o Fixed event 145, Soviet Reorg Continues, which was never activating o Changed the 1 July 1943 Axis Suden Victory check so it will happen on the last turn of June 1943 o AOG ZG 26 Renames to JG 6 on Turn 85 o AOG JG 5 Added o AOG KG 1 Renames to JG 7 on Turn 89 o Many German Air Units Unlocked in WE TB and have a corresponding AOG in the file. • Vistula to Berlin: o Two hexes in South Nederlands made Allied controlled o Portugal made neutral controlled o Karelian Isthmus added to Northern Front o Thrace made Offmap and added to Transcaucasus TB o Macedonia changed to Soviet control and added to Transcaucasus TB o Montenegro changed from Northern Front to Transcaucasus TB o Dalmatia changed to Soviet control and added to Transcaucasus TB o XII SS Corps Commander from Guenther Blumentritt to SS Officer Curt von Gottberg. o Added 50 Bf-109G-6/N and 50 Fw-190A-5/U2 to the Pool. o AOGs for JG’s 2, 26, 53, 54, and 27 added in the East. o AOGs for JGs now allow Multi-Engine German Fighters. o Fixed event 245. • Stalingrad to Berlin, Vistula to Berlin, Steel Inferno scenarios Campaign 43 and Campaign 44 changes: o re-built German Panzer Brigades o StoB, C43, C44 - added 150th Panzer Brigade o C43 - 1./SAGr 125 starts in AR. It does not go Map to Map on Turn 1 o C43 - I./KG 3 is On-Map, so I removed the Map to Map on Turn 1 o Removed the duplicate 202nd StuG Bn (Bde) o Updated all German Corps MG Bns to the (44 MG Bn) TO&E and also removed the Corps in the name o Updated Grenadier brigades to remove double Grenadier in the name and updated TOE where appropriate. o Made several minor changes in StoB campaign including the I/15th Panzer Regiment now disbands on Turn 26. o Corrected the 91st Airlanding Division to arrive in mid-January 1944 and to use the most recent TOE available o Several corrections for the Herman Goering Divisions’ names and increased Experience levels befitting Motorized LW Elite units • Red Army Resurgent: o added more planes and pilots to 21 Ital Ftr Grp o added 361 Ital Ftr Sqn with C.200CB o split 71 Ital Recon Grp into 38/116 Sqn, one with BR.20 and the other with Ca.311 o added 245/246 Ital. Transport Sqns with SM.81 o II Ital Corps - 2x 149mm Howitzer Bns changed to 105/28 Medium Field guns o XXXV/Alpini Ital Corps - 3x each 105mm Howitzer Bns changed to 105/32 Medium Field guns • Road to Leningrad - 702 SP Infantry Gun Company added to 1st Panzer Division • Operation Typhoon o 30 Panhard armored cars added to pool o 7/20 Panzer Div - two slots of German armored cars replaced with two slots of 15 Panhards each o 701-706 SP Infantry Gun companies added to 9/1/2/5/7/10 Panzer division • Road to Minsk o 7 Panzer Div - merge 4 slots (96) Panhard armored cars into 2 slots (64), add two slots of 221/223 armored cars o 20 Panzer Div - merge 4 slots (96) Panhard armored cars into 2 slots (52), add two slots of 221/223 armored cars o 705 SP Infantry Gun Company added to 7th Panzer Division o 706 SP Infantry Gun Company added to 10th Panzer Division • Destruction of Southwest Front o IV+XIX Anti-Air Bn - fix motorization status o LX-LXII Ital How Bn - changed to Medium Field gun Bns with 105/32 gun o 65th CCNN Legion - renamed 63rd o 701 SP Infantry Gun Company added to 9th Panzer Division • Steel Inferno - 1943 Campaign: o Alpi Graie Div rename (remove Alpini) o 2nd/5th Gds Tank Corps: CW Churchill IV replaced with Soviet version o Chertkov airbase unit: attached to proper location, add Chertkovo airbase unit and attach to proper location o remove Volosovo airbase o remove Italian pool of Do 217J, add 20 CR.42CN/Ca.310/Ca.311/BR.20 Rcn/SM.84/SM.79 pool, move Italian pool of CR.42 to CR.42AS o Increased starting German fuel pool o XII SS Corps Commander from Guenther Blumentritt to SS Officer Curt von Gottberg. o LeLv 26 had three squadrons changed to the Bf-109G-2 (FI) o Downgraded Tatra to Panzer Kampfgruppe o Changed the Spanish Fighter Squadron from Axis Generic to German so that the unit was able to upgrade aircraft type. o Added 150 Bf-109G-6/N and 100 Fw-190A-5/U2 to the Pool. o AOG ZG 26 Renames to JG 6 on Turn 52 o AOG KG 1 Renames to JG 7 on Turn 56 o 15./KG 53 (Croat) moves from AG Air Unit to German so it can change aircraft type. o Aufkl. Kroatian moves from AG Air Unit to German so it can change aircraft type. o Many German Air Units Unlocked in WE TB and have a corresponding AOG in the file. • Steel Inferno – 1944 Campaign (May Start): o removed several active airbase units that were not attached to their location and the location had no airbase size defined o Kupyansk,Marmyzhi,Novy Oskol,Kastornoe,Gorshechnoe,Lgov,Kolpny,Manturovo,Bogodukhov o remove Volosovo airbase o remove duplicate 945th LW Light Flak Battalion o Increased starting German fuel pool o XII SS Corps Commander from Guenther Blumentritt to SS Officer Curt von Gottberg. This change also impacts C43, StB, and Stb (No Early End). o 859th Howitzer Bn from AR to Map in XXXXII Corps. o II/14th LW Mot Mixed Flak in XXVII Corps was Frozen 4 Turns changed to Unfrozen. o All German StuG Battalions upgraded to StuG Brigades o 4.(H)/AufklarGr 31 at Orsha (Removed from Game) o 13.(H)/AufklarGr 14 at Orsha moved to AR o Made equipment changes to Night Fighters in C44 (May Start) to better reflect historical aircraft. o Added 150 Bf-109G-6/N and 100 Fw-190A-5/U2 to the Pool. o Added Axis AI first turn script o AOG ZG 26 Renames to JG 6 on Turn 8 o AOG KG 1 Renames to JG 7 on Turn 12 o 15./KG 53 (Croat) moves from AG Air Unit to German so it can change aircraft type. o Aufkl. Kroatian moves from AG Air Unit to German so it can change aircraft type o Many German Air Units Unlocked in WE TB and have a corresponding AOG in the file. o AOG JG 301 added as an option. o AOG KG 1 added as an option. o III/KG 1 from AOG KG 51 to KG 1 o IV/KG 1 from AOG KG 51 to KG 1 o KG 26 Air Units changed from Level Bombers to Torpedo Bombers • Steel Inferno - Case Blue Phase II (both versions): o fix name of Italian Cuneense Alpina division o Ravenna/Sforzesca: change 75mm M11 to 75mm M15 o add 50 Italian M15 mountain guns to pool • Steel Inferno - Western Ukraine: o fixed motorization of 89th LW Mot. Light FlaK Battalion o fixed event Slovakia surrenders • Steel Inferno - AGA Part I/Case Blue II scenarios: o Fixed 1./11 AufklarGr Airgroup • Steel Inferno - Drama on the Danube scenarios: o Fixed grammatical errors in an event • Steel Inferno – Road to Karelia o Added 702nd SP Inf Gun Company and attached to 1st Panzer Division • Two German and 7 Italian renamed unit symbols • New ground element photo 0537 •Map changes to city, hex, hexart, maptext, mapregion and factory dat files: o Region renames N Ireland (UK,2) - North Ireland Pfalz (GER,41) - Rheinland (GER,42) - Ruhr Area Samara (SOV,152) - Kuybyshev Perm (SOV,158) - Molotov Bashkortostan (SOV,162) - Bashkiria Basilicata (ITA,214) - Lucania North East Syria (SYR, 288) - Northeast Syria o New region Pfalz (GER,53), Southeastern part of former Pfalz region 41 (between Mosel and Rhine) Dalmatia (CRO,193), split-off from Croatia region, covers Croatian coastline + Zara (ITA) location o Location changes/renames Baden (GER,345) - renamed Baden-Baden Kalach (SOV,1695) - renamed Kalach (v) to avoid a duplicate location name Strigovo (SOV,2964) - renamed Valuets, moved two clicks East to 220.151 o Miscellaneous minor corrections and changes •Gtype.dat file changes in aircraft air profiles: o 0004 GE Light Bomber Flight size name changed from Schwarm (x4 formation) to Kette (x3 formation) Default unit size from 30-9-3 to 40-12-3 October 1943 size change deleted August 1944 changed from 48-16-4 to 49-15-3 o 0005 GE Medium Bomber default unit size from 30-9-3 to 40-12-3 o 0006 GE Tac Recon Default size from 30-10-2 to 29-9-2 add 1/43 increase to 38-12-2 add 1/44 increase to 50-16-2 o 0007 GE Transport Default size from 48-12-4 to 52-12-4 January 1944 size change deleted o 0008 GE Strat Recon Flight size name changed from Rotte (x2 formation) to Kette (x3 formation) Default size from 30-10-2 to 40-12-3 o 0041 RU Bomber Group size reduced to 2x Squadron (18 aircraft) o 0044 RU Transport Group size reduced to 2x Squadron (24 aircraft) o 0090 GE M-E Fighter June 1944 Gruppe size from 48 to 52 o 0091 GE Biplane Bomber Flight size name changed from Schwarm (x4 formation) to Kette (x3 formation) Default unit size from 30-9-3 to 40-12-3 October 1943 size change deleted August 1944 changed from 48-16-4 to 49-15-3 o New air profiles: 0110 ITA Night Fighter and 0111 ITA Attack/DB Ground types Mech-Inf Squad, Mech-Engr Squad, Mech MG Section, and Mech Recon have had their base CV values doubled to offset the halving received for being in an open top vehicle. •Ac.dat file changes: o Patrol/Torpedo bomber had fuel-only weapon sets upgraded with bombs/mines or a bomb/mine weapon set added if missing o Some Recon aircraft had cameras added or modified o Minor changes to end dates or upgrades paths for mostly Axis minor types o 0149 CR.42 FB ->F, weapon sets removed, ends 12/41, upgrades to C.202, main production version -> limited import o 0169 SM.84 changed from Torpedo Bomber to Level Bomber o 0170 SM.79bis changed from Torpedo Bomber to Level Bomber o 0172 BR.20 Rcn conversion total and per turn raised from 50/2 to 160/4 o 0174 Z.1007 add torpedo option o 0176 Z.506B changed from Torpedo Bomber to Patrol o 0178 Re.2001CN activate imports from Re.2001CB o 0211 IAR 39Rcn Crew 2 -> 3,, replace 1x Fwd MG with 1x BR MG o 0212 IAR 37 Crew 2 -> 3, add BR MG, adjust ammo o 0213 IAR 38 Crew 2 -> 3, add BR MG, adjust ammo o 0214 IAR 39 Crew 2 -> 3, replace 1x Fwd MG with 1x BR MG, upgrades to Ju 87D o 0220 Ju 86E (RU) imports doubled to 24, upgrades to Ju 52 o 0221 Potez 633B2 (RU) renamed Potez 633, ends 6/1943 o 0440 Bf 109E-7/U1 increase imports to 250 (+50), add turn limit of 15 o New aircraft 0147 CR.42CN CR.42 Night fighter, importing from CR.42AS 0181 CR.42AS CR.42 as Ground attack and main production variant • Ground.dat file changes: o Panzer Pioneer Squad 43 (0102) – Upgrade changed from (0104) Panzer Pioneer Squad 44 to (0103) Panzer Pioneer Squad 43v2; Maximum Imports decreased from 1104 to 408; Last Year changed from 1944 to 1943; Scrap Date changed from 1944 to 1943 and Last Month changed from 10 to 9. o Panzer Pioneer Squad 43v2 (0103) – Maximum Imports increased from 174 to 870 and Build Limit increased from 3 to 15. o 105mm sK18 Field Gun (0105) – Build Limit increased from 5 to 8. o SdKfz-6/2 Flak36 (0127) – Upgrade to SdKfz-7/2 Flak36 (0210) added. o 280/320mm Nebelwerfer (0172) – Upgrade to 300mm Nebelwerfer (0173) added; Last Month changed from 8 to 12 and Build Limit decreased from 9 to 6. o 300mm Nebelwerfer (0173) – First Month changed from 7 to 1 and Build Limit decreased from 12 to 9. o 75mm PaK97/38 AT Gun (0189) – Maximum Imports increased from 0 to 100; Import From ID changed to 464; First Month changed from 6 to 4; Last Year changed from 1943 to 1942; Last Month changed from 4 to 10 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 10. o SdKfz-222 Armored Car (0241) – Upgrade to 504 (SdKfz-250/9) added; Last Year changed from 1945 to 1944; Last Month changed from 8 to 6. o Panzer B-2 740(f) (0390) – 47mm SA35 Gun ROF changed from -10 to -8. o Flammpanzer B-2(f) (0391) – 47mm SA35 Gun ROF changed from -10 to -8. o Panzer 35-S 739(f) (0392) – 47mm SA35 Gun ROF changed from -10 to -8. o 7.62mm ItKk/31 Twin AAMG (0484) – Last Month changed from 6 to 9 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 2. o Recon Squad (0486) – Build Limit increased from -1 to 0. o Bicycle Recon Squad (0490) – Build Limit increased from -1 to 0. o Motor Recon Squad (0491) – Build Limit increased from -1 to 0. o Armored Recon Squad (0492) – Renamed Armored Recon Section; 7.92mm Rifle decreased from 7 to 5; Panzerfaust added with Ammo of 3; Men decreased from 10 to 8; Front Armor increased from 0 to 1; Side Armor increased from 0 to 1; Maximum Imports increased from 0 to 24; Import ID changed from 0 to 0557 (SdKfz-250 chassis); First Year changed from 1942 to 1944; First Month changed from 10 to 2; Load Cost decreased from 31 to 28; Ammo Use increased from 9 to 28 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 3. o SMG Recon Squad (0493) – Build Limit increased from -1 to 0. o Motorcycle Squad (0494) – Build Limit increased from -1 to 0. o Cavalry Squad (0498) – Build Limit increased from -1 to 0. o Bicycle Recon Squad (0499) – Build Limit increased from -1 to 0. o Motorcycle Squad (0500) – Build Limit increased from -1 to 0. o Labor Squad (0501) – Build Limit increased from -1 to 0. o 50mm GrW 36 Mortar (0502) – Build Limit increased from -1 to 0. o 88mm vz.36 AA Gun (0503) – Last Year changed from 1944 to 1941; Last Month changed from 8 to 12 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 1. o SdKfz-250/9 (504) added – Maximum Imports of 16; Nation changed from None to Rumania; First Year of 1944; First Month of 5; Last Year of 1945; Last Month of 8; Build Limit of 4. o IS-1 M1943 (0763) – Build Limit increased from 27 to 37. o Panzer IIL Lynx (0004) – Fuel Use increased from 21 to 23. o 122mm sFH396(r) Howitzer (0111) – ACC increased from 0 to 275 and Build Cost increased from 5 to 61. o 122mm H/38 Howitzer (0160) – ACC increased from 0 to 275 and Build Cost increased from 5 to 61. o M-15/42 (0181) – Fuel Use increased from 42 to 45. o Semovente M43 da 105 (0185) – Fuel Use decreased from 71 to 43. o Semovente M42 da 75 (0188) – Fuel Use increased from 38 to 45. o 75mm M34 Mountain Gun (0190) – ACC increased from 0 to 150. o 75mm M15 Mountain Gun (0240) – ACC increased from 0 to 150. o 75mm M37 Field Gun (0389) – ACC increased from 0 to 700. o Panzer M13/40 735(i) 0396) – Maximum Imports increased from 0 to 200; Import From ID changed from 0 to 180; Type changed from Foreign Medium Tank to Foreign Light Tank; First Month changed from 9 to 10; Build Cost increased from 1 to 171 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 5. o Panzer M15/42 738(i) (0397) – Maximum Imports increased from o to 200; Import From ID changed from 0 to 181; Type changed from Foreign Medium Tank to Foreign Light Tank; First Month changed from 9 to 10; Fuel Use increased from 42 to 45; Build Cost increased from 1 to 192 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 5. o Stug M42 850(i) (0406) – Maximum Imports increased from 0 to 100; Import From ID changed from 0 to 184; First Month changed from 9 to 10; Build Cost increased from 1 to 129 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 3. o Stug M42 851(i) (0407) – Maximum Imports increased from 0 to 100; Import From ID changed from 0 to 188; First Month changed from 9 to 10; Fuel Use increased from 38 to 45; Build Cost increased from 1 to 150 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 2. o Stug M43 852(i) (0408) – Maximum Imports increased from 0 to 50; Import From ID changed from 0 to 185; Fuel Use decreased from 71 to 43; Build Cost increased from 1 to 150 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 1. o Stug M43 853(i) (0409) – Maximum Imports increased from 0 to 50; Import From ID changed from 0 to 185; First Month changed from 9 to 10; Fuel Use decreased from 71 to 43; Build Cost increased from 1 to 155 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 1. o AB41 201(i) Armored Car (0411) – Maximum Imports increased from 0 to 130; Import From ID changed from 0 to 187; First Month changed from 9 to 10; Build Cost increased from 1 to 95 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 5. o StuG L6 47/32 630(i) (0442) – Maximum Imports increased from 0 to 78; Build Cost increased from 68 to 69 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 6. o 122mm M1909 Howitzer (0523) – ACC decreased from 175 to 0. o Lorraine (SdKfz-135/2) (0544) added. o Panzer L3 731(i) (0545) added. o Panzer L6 733(i) (0546) added. o 76.2mm ZiS AT Gun (0783) – ACC decreased from 400 to 375. o Cavalry Squad 43 (803) – Upgrade changed to 0. o Activated production for the Motorized Recon Squad (0487). o Developer’s Note: As can be gleaned from some of ground elements above the cost of captured or imported (German “lend-lease”) equipment has been increased to conform better with the game system. Previously these ground elements had a net cost of 0, now most have a net cost of 1. Also note that except on a scenario basis the former Italian AFVs in German service have not yet been implemented into the campaign games. o 20mm Flak38 AA Gun (0072) – Build Limit increased from 100 to 110. o 88mm Flak18 AA Gun (0073) – Build Limit increased from 40 to 55. o 75mm leIG18 Infantry Gun (0074) – Build Limit increased from 25 to 32. o 120mm GrW 42 Mortar (0078) – First Year changed from 1942 to 1943; First Month changed from 4 to 1 and Build Limit increased from 50 to 72. o 28mm sPzB41 AT Gun (0093) – Build Limit increased from 3 to 18. o 20mm Quad Flak38 AA Gun (0106) – Build Limit increased from 10 to 12. o 105mm leFH18 Howitzer (0110) – Upgrade to 105mm leFH18M Howitzer (0477) added and Build Limit decreased from 55 to 22. o 150mm sFH18 Howitzer (0112) – Build Limit increased from 15 to 22. o 150mm Nebelwerfer (0113) – Build Limit increased from 20 to 26. o 105mm Flak39 AA Gun (0132) – Build Limit increased from 12 to 17. o 120mm Krh/40 Mortar (0148) – Build Limit increased from 1 to 2. o 150mm H/15 Howitzer (0164) – Type changed from Artillery (9) to Heavy Artillery (32). o 76.2mm K/02 Field Gun (0169) – Build Limit increased from -1 to 1 (production activated). o 210mm Nebelwerfer (0171) – Build Limit increased from 8 to 9. o 128mm Flak40 AA Gun (0340) – Build Limit increased from 5 to 7. o 75mm GebG36 Mountain Gun (0373) – Build Limit increased from 4 to 5. o 75mm leIG37 Infantry Gun (0467) – Build Limit increased from 27 to 59. o 105mm NbW 35 Mortar (0475) – Scrap date changed from 1942 to 1944 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 2 (production activated). o 105mm NbW 40 Mortar (0476) – Load Cost increased from 5 to 6; Build Cost increased from 8 to 10 and Build Limit decreased from 10 to 5. o 105mm leFH18M Howitzer (0477) – Build Limit increased from 55 to 97. o 82mm GrW 274(r) Mortar (0482) – Upgrade to 81mm GrW 34 Mortar (0077) added. o 120mm GrW 378(r) Mortar (0483) – Upgrade to 120mm GrW 42 Mortar (0078) added. o 75mm K/17 Field Gun (0485) – Type changed from Artillery (9) to Light Artillery (46). o M-11/39 (0179) – Ammo Use increased from 8 to 17. o M-13/40 (0180) – 47mm M35 (0323) AMMO decreased from 104 to 87 and Ammo Use decreased from 58 to 50. o M-15/42 (0181) – Ammo Use decreased from 48 to 41. o P-26/40 (0182) – 75mm M37 (0685) ROF increased from -6 to -4 and Ammo Use increased from 99 to 149. o Semovente M40 da 75 (0184) – 75mm M34 (0357) ROF increased from -7 to -4 and Ammo Use increased from 44 to 88. o Semovente M42 da 75 (0188) – 75mm M37 (0685) ROF increased from -9 to -5 and Ammo Use increased from 50 to 132. o 105mm M12 Field Gun (0222) – Renamed 105mm M13 Field Gun; 6.5mm M1891 Rifle (0142) decreased from 8 to 7; Men decreased from 8 to 7; Load Cost decreased from 16 to 15; Ammo Use increased from 165 to 198 and Build Cost decreased from 57 to 56. o 122mm M1910 Howitzer (0264) – Maximum Imports increased from 50 to 160; First Year changed from 1944 to 1942; First Month changed from 1 to 6 and Build Limit increased from 1 to 2. o 47mm M37 AT Gun (0271) – Maximum Imports increased from 100 to 230 and Build Limit increased from 1 to 2. o 76.2mm FK288(r) Field Gun (0368) – Upgrade to 75mm leFK18 Field Gun (0109) removed. o Panzer M13/40 735(i) (0396) – 47mm M35 (0323) AMMO decreased from 104 to 87 and Ammo Use decreased from 58 to 50. o Panzer M15/42 738(i) (0397) – Ammo Use decreased from 48 to 41. o Panzer P40 737(i) (0398) – 75mm M37 (0685) ROF increased from -6 to -4 and Ammo Use increased from 99 to 149. o Stug M42 850(i) (0406) – 75mm M34 (0357) ROF increased from -7 to -4 and Ammo Use increased from 44 to 88. o Stug M42 851(i) (0407) – 75mm M37 (0685) ROF increased from -9 to -5 and Ammo Use increased from 50 to 132. o Stug M43 852(i) (0408) – 75mm M34 (0375) changed to 75mm M34 (0354); ROF increased from -7 to -5 and Ammo Use decreased from 132 to 108. o Stug M43 853(i) (0409) – 105mm da 105 (0391) ROF increased from -5 to -3. o SdKfz-251/16 Halftrack (0440) – Maximum Imports increased from 347 to 417; First Year changed from 1944 to 1943 and Build Limit decreased from 7 to 3. o 105mm Mle 1913 Field Gun (0468) – Scrap Date changed from 1942 to 1945; Load Cost increased from 12 to 15; Ammo Use decreased from 277 to 198 and Build Cost increased from 41 to 56. o 88mm Flak18 AA Gun (0489) – Maximum Imports increased from 0 to 200 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 2 (imports activated). o 152mm KH 433(r) Howitzer (0537) – Captured Soviet 152mm ML-20 Gun-Howitzer added; 300 guns from 1/42 with a Build Limit of 6. • Device.dat file changes: o 76.2mm 3-K L/55 Gun (0374) - Max Ceiling changed from 40600 to 30350; Eff Ceiling changed from 29000 to 23800. o 20mm vz.36 L/70 Gun (0241) – Penetration decreased from 40 to 34. o 20mm Oerlikon L/70 Gun (0242) – Penetration decreased from 40 to 34. o 20mm Flak38 L/65 Gun (0243) – Penetration decreased from 47 to 36. o 20mm Quad Flak38 L/65 Gun (0244) – Penetration decreased from 47 to 36. o 20mm Twin Flak38 L/65 Gun (0252) – Penetration decreased from 47 to 36. o 20mm ItK/38 L/65 Gun (0257) – Penetration decreased from 47 to 36. o 20mm M35 L/65 Gun (0299) – Penetration decreased from 42 to 36. o 20mm KwK30 L/55 Gun (0300) – Penetration decreased from 47 to 36 and HVAP Pen decreased from 85 to 64. o 20mm KwK38 L/55 Gun (0564) – Penetration decreased from 47 to 36 and HVAP Pen decreased from 85 to 64. o 20mm M35 L/65 Gun (0630) – Penetration decreased from 42 to 36. o 20mm Flak30 L/65 Gun (0651) – Penetration decreased from 47 to 36. o 20mm Flak30 L/65 Gun (0677) – Penetration decreased from 47 to 36. o 20mm L/65 Cannon (0689) – Penetration decreased from 47 to 36. o 20mm Quad L/65 Cannon (0690) – Penetration decreased from 47 to 36. o 75mm leFK18 L/26 Gun (0350) – Accuracy decreased from 300 to 275. o 122mm M1909 L/13 Howitzer (0521) – Accuracy increased from 175 to 200. o 76.2mm K/02 L/30 Gun (0642) – Accuracy increased from 300 to 325. o 20mm Flak38 AA Gun (0072) – Build Limit increased from 100 to 110. o 88mm Flak18 AA Gun (0073) – Build Limit increased from 40 to 55. o 75mm leIG18 Infantry Gun (0074) – Build Limit increased from 25 to 32. o 120mm GrW 42 Mortar (0078) – First Year changed from 1942 to 1943; First Month changed from 4 to 1 and Build Limit increased from 50 to 72. o 28mm sPzB41 AT Gun (0093) – Build Limit increased from 3 to 18. o 20mm Quad Flak38 AA Gun (0106) – Build Limit increased from 10 to 12. o 105mm leFH18 Howitzer (0110) – Upgrade to 105mm leFH18M Howitzer (0477) added and Build Limit decreased from 55 to 22. o 150mm sFH18 Howitzer (0112) – Build Limit increased from 15 to 22. o 150mm Nebelwerfer (0113) – Build Limit increased from 20 to 26. o 105mm Flak39 AA Gun (0132) – Build Limit increased from 12 to 17. o 120mm Krh/40 Mortar (0148) – Build Limit increased from 1 to 2. o 150mm H/15 Howitzer (0164) – Type changed from Artillery (9) to Heavy Artillery (32). o 76.2mm K/02 Field Gun (0169) – Build Limit increased from -1 to 1 (production activated). o 210mm Nebelwerfer (0171) – Build Limit increased from 8 to 9. o 128mm Flak40 AA Gun (0340) – Build Limit increased from 5 to 7. o 75mm GebG36 Mountain Gun (0373) – Build Limit increased from 4 to 5. o 75mm leIG37 Infantry Gun (0467) – Build Limit increased from 27 to 59. o 105mm NbW 35 Mortar (0475) – Scrap date changed from 1942 to 1944 and Build Limit increased from -1 to 2 (production activated). o 105mm NbW 40 Mortar (0476) – Load Cost increased from 5 to 6; Build Cost increased from 8 to 10 and Build Limit decreased from 10 to 5. o 105mm leFH18M Howitzer (0477) – Build Limit increased from 55 to 97. o 82mm GrW 274(r) Mortar (0482) – Upgrade to 81mm GrW 34 Mortar (0077) added. o 120mm GrW 378(r) Mortar (0483) – Upgrade to 120mm GrW 42 Mortar (0078) added. o 75mm K/17 Field Gun (0485) – Type changed from Artillery (9) to Light Artillery (46). o 105mm M12 L/28.4 Gun (0394) – Renamed 105mm M13 L/28 Gun; Range decreased from 13100 to 12500 and Rate of Fire increased from 5 to 6. o 105mm Mle 1913 L/28.5 Gun (0551) – Renamed 105mm Mle 1913 L/28 Gun; Range decreased from 13100 to 12500 and Rate of Fire decreased from 8 to 6. o 75mm M37 L/34.3 Gun (0685) – Rate of Fire increased from 8 to 13. • Art file corrections/additions: o 5 new event photos, 32 possibly previously missing event photos, 2 aircraft photos, 4 ground element photos o New/corrected 25 Italian air unit symbols/1 German air unit symbol oSteel Inferno - 2 new event photos for AG C scenario events o12 corrected Italian ground unit symbols o 12 corrected air unit icons, 4 new ground unit icons